Invitation to Congress

Prof. Dr. Ahmet KUTLUHAN

Dear scientists and researchers,
We are pleased to share with you the information that we will organise the 7th International Agricultural Congress between 26 – 30 September 2024 in Nakhchivan, the autonomous region of the brotherly country Azerbaijan. The congress will be organised under the leadership of Pamukkale University, hosted by Nakhchivan State University, in cooperation with Giresun University, Iğdır University and Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University.
Today, with the increasing population and urbanisation, it is becoming increasingly difficult to reach reliable and sustainable food. The importance of agricultural production has emerged once again in recent years in order to meet the need for food, which forms the basis of human nutrition, and to use the decreasing agricultural lands more effectively. In the Agriculture Congress, which we will organise under the leadership of Pamukkale University, food and agricultural production, which is the most important need of today, will be evaluated by scientists and researchers from different universities, and solutions will be tried to be put forward about current agricultural issues and needs. I hope to see scientists and business people who conduct research in all fields of agriculture among us at the Agriculture Congress we will organise in Nakhchivan.
Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Ahmet KUTLUHAN
Rector of Pamukkale University and Honorary President of the Congress

Dear Participants
We have organised six international congresses, namely Komrat/Moldova (2018), Ayaş/Ankara (2019), Hammamet/Tunisia (2020), Online (2021) and Online (2022) under the leadership of Anatolian Society of Agricultural Engineers; Kosovo/Prizren (2023) under the auspices of Pamukkale University. Now, we are planning to organise the 7th International Agricultural Congress (UTAK2024) under the leadership of Pamukkale University and hosted by Nakhchivan State University in Nakhchivan, our neighbour and autonomous region of Azerbaijan.
Scientists, researchers and industry representatives from around the world, from universities and other relevant institutions of different countries will present their latest research and experience on relevant topics at the congress and discuss various solutions for agricultural activities around the world. In addition, the participants will have the opportunity to see the unique natural and historical beauties of Nakhchivan and meet with our friendly and brotherly Azerbaijani brothers and sisters. Scientific sessions and cultural excursions to be organised in Nakhchivan within the scope of the Congress will contribute to the establishment of academic and commercial collaborations in this geography sharing a common culture.
Dear scientists and business people, I would like to see you among us at the congress to be held in Nakhchivan, the autonomous region of Azerbaijan, between 26 – 30 September 2024.
Best regards.

Prof. Dr. Turan KARADENİZ
Congress President
